Por lo regular muchas personas pasan el dia de muerto en compania mas cercana con sus seres queridos esto quiere decir que van al cementerio para llevarles unas flores, limpiarles las lapidas, llevar sus cosas preferidas del difunto como comida, fotos con el, etc.
Usually many people spend the day in the company of dead closer to their loved ones this means going to the cemetery to bring flowers, clean their headstones, bring your favorite things of the deceased as food, photos with, etc..
miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012
La Catrina
Este es el principal personaje del dia de muerto La Catrina. La Calavera Garbancera es La Catrina, una figura creada por José Guadalupe Posada y bautizada por el muralista Diego Rivera.
This is the main character died the day of La Catrina. La Calavera Catrina garbancera is a figure created by Jose Guadalupe Posada and baptized by the muralist Diego Rivera.
This is the main character died the day of La Catrina. La Calavera Catrina garbancera is a figure created by Jose Guadalupe Posada and baptized by the muralist Diego Rivera.
Pan De muerto / Dead Bread
El pan de muerto es un tipo especial de pan que se prepara en México.
No es un pan de consumo cotidiano (aunque se prepara desde julio),
puesto que está asociado íntimamente a la celebración de la festividad
conocida como Día de Muertos,
festividad que puede durar desde un día hasta una semana durante el mes
de noviembre, dependiendo de la región mexicana en cuestión. La
difusión del pan de muerto está especialmente concentrada en el centro y
sur de la República Mexicana, donde el Día de Muertos es celebrado con
mayor intensidad.
martes, 30 de octubre de 2012
Dulces de calavera/ Skull Candy
Son golosinas con forma de calaveritas y el nombre de la persona
homenajeada impreso en la frente. Se obsequian para el Día de Muertos.
They are shaped candy skulls and name of the person honored printed on the front. Given away to the Day of the Dead.
They are shaped candy skulls and name of the person honored printed on the front. Given away to the Day of the Dead.
Cosas que debellevar un altar/ Things to keep an altar
First step is put the picture of the virgin saint or devotion.
Second step is for the souls in purgatory.
Third salt to put children in purgatory.
Fourth puts bread called "pan de muerto", this bread is decorated with red sugar simulating blood, it is recommended that the bread is cast by the relatives of the deceased, and it is a consecration.
Quinto gets food and fruit that were preferred by the deceased.
Sixth photo gets the deceased to whom the altar is dedicated.
Ultimo gets the cross of a rosary made of hawthorn and limes.
The offerings that are placed inside the altar are:
Four candles are lit in a cross-oriented leading to the four cardinal points, beside the altar, turns a clay pot on a portable stove with herbs: basil, bay leaf, rosemary, chamomile and more.
Items you must have an altar are:
Chains purple and yellow paper that signify the union between life and death.
Giving colorful confetti and joie de vivre.
Flowers are welcome for the soul, white flower represents the sky yellow flower, the earth and the abode of mourning.
Candles with flames represent the ascension of the spirit. Also mean light guide the way.
New white canvas representing purity, the sky.
The candle represents the soul alone.
Copal incense whose smoke symbolizes the passage from life to death.
Maize accounts harvest.
Fruits are the gift that nature gives us. They are usually sugar cane, oranges, hawthorn and jicama.
The sugar skulls are an indigenous custom.
Water gives life and energy to the road.
The dishes with the question of pleasing the deceased sharing food he liked.
Picture of the person to whom tribute is dedicated.
A Christ for blessings there.
A lime cross symbolizing the four cardinal points.
Salt for the body is not corrupted.
A path from the front door to the altar formed with marigold flower.
A rod to release the dead from the devil and evil spirits.
Personal belongings of the deceased.
People watch at night in the grave waiting for the spirit of his dead down and enjoy your gift.
Second step is for the souls in purgatory.
Third salt to put children in purgatory.
Fourth puts bread called "pan de muerto", this bread is decorated with red sugar simulating blood, it is recommended that the bread is cast by the relatives of the deceased, and it is a consecration.
Quinto gets food and fruit that were preferred by the deceased.
Sixth photo gets the deceased to whom the altar is dedicated.
Ultimo gets the cross of a rosary made of hawthorn and limes.
The offerings that are placed inside the altar are:
Four candles are lit in a cross-oriented leading to the four cardinal points, beside the altar, turns a clay pot on a portable stove with herbs: basil, bay leaf, rosemary, chamomile and more.
Items you must have an altar are:
Chains purple and yellow paper that signify the union between life and death.
Giving colorful confetti and joie de vivre.
Flowers are welcome for the soul, white flower represents the sky yellow flower, the earth and the abode of mourning.
Candles with flames represent the ascension of the spirit. Also mean light guide the way.
New white canvas representing purity, the sky.
The candle represents the soul alone.
Copal incense whose smoke symbolizes the passage from life to death.
Maize accounts harvest.
Fruits are the gift that nature gives us. They are usually sugar cane, oranges, hawthorn and jicama.
The sugar skulls are an indigenous custom.
Water gives life and energy to the road.
The dishes with the question of pleasing the deceased sharing food he liked.
Picture of the person to whom tribute is dedicated.
A Christ for blessings there.
A lime cross symbolizing the four cardinal points.
Salt for the body is not corrupted.
A path from the front door to the altar formed with marigold flower.
A rod to release the dead from the devil and evil spirits.
Personal belongings of the deceased.
People watch at night in the grave waiting for the spirit of his dead down and enjoy your gift.
Cosas que debe tener un altar / Things to keep an altar
Primer escalón se pone
la foto del santo o virgen de la devoción.
Segundo escalón es para
las ánimas del purgatorio.
Tercero se pone la sal
para los niños del purgatorio.
Cuarto se pone pan
llamado "pan de muerto", este pan es adornado con azúcar roja que simula la sangre,
se recomienda que el pan sea echo por los parientes del difunto, ya que es una consagración.
Quinto se pone la
comida y la fruta que fueron los preferidos por el difunto.
Sexto se pone la foto
del difunto a quien se dedica el altar.
Ultimo se pone la cruz
de un rosario hecho de tejocote y limas.
Se prenden cuatro velas principales formando una cruz orientada a los cuatro
puntos cardinales, al lado del altar, se pone una olla de barro sobre un anafre
con hierbas aromáticas: albahaca, laurel, romero, manzanilla y otras más.
Cadenas de papel morado y amarillo que significan la unión entre la vida y
la muerte.
Papel picado que da colorido y alegría de vivir.
Las flores son la bienvenida para el alma, la flor blanca representa el
cielo; flor amarilla, la tierra y la morada el luto.
Velas que con sus llamas representan la ascensión del espíritu. También
significan luz, guía del camino.
Lienzo blanco y nuevo que representa la pureza, el cielo.
El cirio representa el alma sola.
Incienso de copal cuyo humo simboliza el paso de la vida a la muerte.
El maíz representa la cosecha.
Las frutas son la ofrenda que nos brinda la naturaleza. Generalmente son
cañas de azúcar, naranjas, tejocotes y jícamas.
Las calaveras de azúcar que son una costumbre indígenas.
El agua que da vida y energía para el camino.
Los platillos con las que se trata de agradar el difunto compartiendo los
alimentos que le gustaban.
Fotografía de la persona a quien se dedica el tributo.
Un Cristo para que haya bendiciones.
Una cruz de cal que simboliza los 4 puntos cardinales.
Sal para que el cuerpo no se corrompa.
Un camino desde la puerta de la entrada hasta el altar formado con flor de
Una vara para liberar al muerto del demonio y los malos espíritus.
Objetos personales del difunto.
Debe de constar
de 7 niveles o escalones que representan los 7 niveles que tiene que pasar el
alma de un muerto para poder descansar.
It must consist of 7 levels or steps that represent the seven levels that must pass the soul of the dead to rest.
It must consist of 7 levels or steps that represent the seven levels that must pass the soul of the dead to rest.
Dia de muertos/ Day of the dead 2 noviembre
Día de los Muertos (2 de Noviembre)
Este día se celebra la máxima festividad de los muertos en México. La celebración está llena de muchas costumbres. A las personas les gusta ir y llevar flores a las tumbas de sus muertos pero para otras representa todo un rito que comienzan desde la madrugada cuando muchas familias hacen altares de muertos sobre las lápidas de sus familiares muertos, estos altares tienen un gran significado ya que con ellos se cree que se ayuda a sus muertos a llevar un buen camino durante la muerte.
Day of the Dead (November 2)
This day celebrates the feast of the dead high in Mexico. The celebration is filled with many customs. People like to go and place flowers on the graves of their dead but for others it represents a rite starting from early morning when many families make altars for dead on the tombstones of their dead relatives, these altars are of great importance since with them is believed to help the dead to keep track during death.
Dia de Todos los Santos / Hallowmas
Día de Todos los Santos (1 de Noviembre)
Este día se celebra la fiesta de todos los santos que tuvieron una vida ejemplar así también de los niños difuntos.
Esta fiesta es pequeña en comparación con la del Día de Muertos, dentro de las tradiciones se acostumbra realizar altares a los Santos dentro de las Iglesias, y muchas familias acostumbran realizar altares a sus niños muertos ya sea dentro de sus casas o sobre las lápidas en los cementerios.
Los altares son adornados con papel de muchos colores, flores de cempasúchil, si el altar es para un niño se le ponen juguetes como carritos, muñecas, dulces etc.
All Saints' Day (November 1)
This day celebrates the feast of all the saints who had an exemplary life and also of deceased children.
This party is small compared with the Day of the Dead, in the traditions it is customary to make altars Saints within the Churches, and many families make altars tend to their dead children either indoors or on gravestones cemeteries.
The altars are decorated with multi-colored paper, marigolds, if the altar is for a child is put toys like cars, dolls, candy etc.
¿Que es dia de muertos?
En México más que una festividad Cristiana es una celebración donde se mezclan tanto la cultura prehispánica como
la religión católica, donde el pueblo Mexicano logró mantener sus antiguas tradiciones vivas.
In Mexico more than a Christian festival is a celebration which mixes both pre-Hispanic culture and Catholic religion, where the Mexican people managed to keep their old traditions alive.
In Mexico more than a Christian festival is a celebration which mixes both pre-Hispanic culture and Catholic religion, where the Mexican people managed to keep their old traditions alive.
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